

Diploma Years 12- 13

The EtonHouse High School Diploma caters to students looking for a challenging college preparatory programme. This program is taken in conjunction with university entrance examinations from the country where the student wishes to attend college, ensuring that EtonHouse High School graduates are well-equipped to enter the college or university of their choice. EtonHouse students have gained acceptance to universities in United States, Korea, China and Germany.

Pastoral Support and School Counselling

EtonHouse recognises that raising a child in the 21st century is a community effort and that our responsibility as educators to the students must go beyond academics. Through structured pastoral support programmes and informal but intentional interaction with students, EtonHouse teachers are constantly guiding and counseling students. In the Middle Years and Senior Years, all students are assigned an advisor. Each Advisor-Advisee group involves a teacher and four to six students. Students meet with the advisor one-to-one on a weekly basis. In the Advisor/Advisee groups, students learn and reflect on social concepts and skills to become responsible learners and citizens prepared for work and life after school.

In addition, EtonHouse provides direct instruction to help students develop character traits necessary in being successful learners.

Career and College Counseling

EtonHouse provides career and college counseling for all of its students once they enter the Middle Years of the International Baccalaureate Programme. This is to help the students be more aware of the various careers available. In Year 11, students are introduced to different colleges and universities and their respective entry requirements. At the end of Year 12, students are advised and supported in choosing possible colleges and universities that would be appropriate for them. Beginning in early Year 13, students will apply for short-listing by colleges and universities.

Additionally, students in Year 11 who are considering American colleges are supported by the school in taking the PSAT (Preliminary Scholastic Achievement Test) before sitting for SAT (Scholastic Achievement Test) in Year 12 and 13.

EtonHouse also supports students in preparing for tests which may be required for entry to non-American colleges or universities.