

初中-中国国家课程Middle School - Chinese National Curriculum;





中国语言文学Chinese Language and Literature

中国语言文学学科将全面落实中国国家课程内容,注重培养学生对于各种文体的理解能力与欣赏能力,以 及清晰表达自己观点的能力;课内课外海量阅读,接触更广泛的学习材料,特别是经典书籍的双语版本;希望学生能够学贯中西,在中国和西方的文化之间通融,不仅仅在“知”的层面能够吸纳更多的信息、知识,同时也希望他们在思维方式,在文化认同等方面能够具备国际的视角。

The school fully implements the Chinese National Curriculum, and focuses mainly on cultivating students' ability to understand and appreciate various literary forms, as well as the ability to clearly express their points of view. The school provides a comprehensive range of reading and learning materials and access to a wider range of learning materials, especially the bilingual versions of classic books. It is hoped that students can learn from both China and other parts of the world, and integrate between Chinese and international cultures. We not only want them to be able to absorb information and knowledge at the level of "understanding", but also hope that they can have an international perspective in thinking and cultural integration.

英语语言文学English Language and Literature


学校引入分级英语学习系统,分层教学,提供个性化的学业支持,真正做到因材施教,因需施教,学习过程 可量化、可视化。

The school provides students with an immersive language environment, and effectively helps students to improve quickly in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. We help our students to learn more about the way of thinking behind the culture and the language. We hope that our students can transition easily and calmly between different cultures.




Mathematics cultivates students' ability to transform real-world situations into mathematicallanguage, as well as developing abstract thinking abilities such as induction, reasoning and proof. It links a student’s grasp of concepts to real life, and uses the mathematical knowledge they havelearned to analyse and explore problems in the real world.

Mathematics is widely used in science, engineering, technology and art, and forms the basis of many disciplines. New Oriental Academy QingDao uses a solid and effective method to ignite students' enthusiasm for learning. It uses formulas, charts and principles for interdisciplinary learning, for mathematical thinking in many fields, for the formation of abstract or figurative concepts. It gives students more space to play and to create their own ideas.

科学与技术Science and Technology

科学与技术注重跨学科的融合与探究式学习,培养学生的动手能力和解决实际问题的能力。运用可视化教 学和探究式教学为方法,让学生们带着任务或问题,大胆设想、小心求证去完成科学实践。

This is focused on interdisciplinary integration and exploratory learning to develop students' hands-on ability to solve practical real-world problems. We use visual and Inquiry-based teaching methods so that students can test their ideas in a practical, structured, scientific manner。


人文科学将带领学生阅读大量学术文献,帮助学生拓展知识面的宽度与深度,成为中国与世界交流的桥梁, 将中国带向世界,把世界带回中国。

同时学校鼓励学生积极探索,限度发挥学生的潜能和创造力,所以在艺术及体育方面,保持高度重视并大力 发展,希望每一个学生都能够在艺术及体育方面,有所收获,多元发展。

Our Humanities program leads students to access a wide range of academic courses. It helps students expand the depth and breadth of their knowledge. We hope that our students will then become a bridge between China and the world; they take the Motherland, China to the world, and bring the world back to China, their home.

Our school encourages students to actively explore their potential and creativity. Arts and sports are an essential part of this development. We take all Arts and Sports seriously and hope that every student will be able to gain from one or more aspects of these subject areas.

艺术与设计Art and Design

艺术教育是让学生在学习过程中认识自我,以及探索自我与他人及世界的关系,教会学生认知他人与社会, 逐步具备思考社会文化议题的能力。学校非常重视学生艺术的发展,鼓励学生主动探索,大胆想象。在艺术发展方面,融合了中西方艺术的渊源、特点,以及新的历史时代下在艺术方面的创新创造力的培养,因此学校的艺术教育是中外籍教师深度合作,启发孩子们的艺术素养,为他的整个学习和生活带来更丰富多彩的生命体验。

Art education helps students to develop self-consciousness through the learning process, as well as to explore the relationship between themselves and others and the world. They gradually develop abilities to come up with own ideas of social and cultural issues. The New Oriental Academy QingDao attaches great importance to the development of studenf s art, encourages students to take the initiative to explore, using their imagination. The school combines the origins and characteristics of Chinese and international art. The encouragement of creativity in art, and cooperation between national and international teachers, benefit students and help to develop children's artistic literacy, and bring a more colourful life experience to them.

体育与健康Sports and Health


The school encourages all students to be active in 1 or 2 sports that will accompany them through their lifetime. Sport is an important factor in character building. It teaches perseverance, dedication and is good for physical and mental health. Our school offers a number of sports clubs and requires students to choose one every semester for study and exercise. We provide students with excellent facilities for sports, and hope to help students develop a passion for one or more sports.

世界教室World Class


学校给学生提供大量、特色的研学活动,勇于承担社会责任、增加人生体验、加强人际沟通能力及处理问题 的能力,让学生把中国带向世界,把世界带回中国。

The New Oriental Academy QingDao will invite well-known professors from world best universities to teach or lecture in campus, so that students can connect with the world-class education and teaching on campus.

The New Oriental Academy QingDao provides students with a large number of research activities. We encourage students to take on social responsibilities, to enjoy a variety of life experiences, to strengthen their interpersonal communication skills and problem-solving abilities. Our students can therefore take China to the world and bring the world back to China.