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福州美联英语特约主讲老师OWENS ADAM LEE外
  • 姓 名: OWENS ADAM LEE外
  • 当前等级:特约主讲
  • 所属学校: 福州美联英语
  • 授课类别:面授
老师自白:Hello,my name is Adam.I am from the state of Michigan in America.Michigan is very beautiful and we are famous for Detroit which is known as the Motor City or“Car City”.I have lived in Xiamen for almost a year now.I have been married to a very beautiful local Xiamen girl for over a year now.I have really enjoyed living in China.The people are all very wonderful and the country is very beautiful and diverse.I think Xiamen is one of the best cities in China to live in.The people are very friendly,the food is delicious,and the city atmosphere is very good.There are also many fun things to do here.I enjoy spending time with my family and our dog Ami.I also enjoy playing video games like Xbox or Nintendo.I like playing many different games such as Mario,Zelda,Resident Evil and many more.I also enjoy playing and watching many different sports such as American Football,Soccer,Basketball and more.I look forward to getting to know of the new students here at Meten.If you have any questions please feel free to ask me anytime.

关于我们 | 联系我们 | 福州美联英语地址:福州市晋安区竹屿路6号东二环泰禾城市广场22号楼第三层L329-3 咨询电话:400-882-6911
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